Blog 101 - To those of you who are new to blogs and blogging, I wanted to give a brief overview of how to use this site. There are authors and followers. Authors are Val and Connie. Followers are all of our wonderful support system that continue to follow Bru's journey through this battle. Authors create posts, followers can read posts and comment on posts that have been created. As a follower you don't have to log in in with an account or sign in to comment. If there is a post that you are interested in commenting on, just click the comment icon below the post itself. Once you have typed your post, you must choose an account just below the text box, choose anonymous! If you are looking for all of the posts to the blog, scroll down the page and look to the right of the screen, every post is listed there by month and day. It's listed chronologically starting newest to oldest. If you want to add pictures, please email me at with a description of the picture and the caption you would like underneath it. Blogging is very similar to Facebook and other social sites, but it doesn't have the ability to post things to the blog like you do people's walls in facebook. If you are having problems viewing the blog, it may be because of settings that you have on your internet browser . You can type the URL into your smart phone browser as well and see the blog pretty well. If you want updates sent to you anytime things are updated, subscribe to the blog by email. This option is at the top of the page on the right hand side of your screen just above the picture of Bruce. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Dear, dear family and friends:

I want to share with you some beautiful photos of the memorial for Bruce at Duck Lake Channel.  To be able to see each and every one of you there was a testament of the love you held for Bruce and our family, and our family felt the love and care that was gently wrapped around us that evening.  I know Bruce would have been very pleased.  We were truly blessed to have known Bruce, and he has touched all of our lives in so many ways that I cannot even begin to enumerate them all.  Just know that he has passed from his earthly body to eternal life!  I see him every day in my children, sense his presence upon my shoulder, and feel his spirit in my heart and to my very soul.  I know we will all see him again someday.  Words simply cannot express our family's gratitude to all for your support through this difficult time in our lives. Thank you!

We will continue to post on this blog to share more photos that I've not received yet from the memorial and to update everyone on the Rissi Glioblastoma Fund as it moves forward in time.

Love Always - Val   

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Leaving a Legacy

As we mourn the loss of someone so profound to many, we look to find ways to leave a meaningful legacy that honors Bruce's life. We have had several discussions over the last months trying to identify meaningful ways to leave a legacy that honors such a wonderful person.

We have established the Rissi Glioblastoma Fund through the Community Foundation of Muskegon County. This fund is intended to help families of patients who suffer from Glioblastoma.  Throughout Bruce's treatment, we have been working with Dr. Mikkelsen and Henry Ford Hospital on providing tissue samples to help with research associated with Glioblastoma, an effort that hopefully will lead to discovering the genetic marker associated with such a debilitating terminal disease.

Unfortunately, there are costs associated with donating tissue for research, specifically transportation and autopsy fees.  We were very fortunate to have such wonderful people to help coordinate this effort on Bruce's behalf; other families may not have the means to provide such precious tissue for research.  The Rissi Glioblastoma Fund will be intended to assist families in executing tissue extractions by helping reimburse costs for transportation and autopsy services. It is a small mission but one that will provide valuable information to researchers attempting to find hope for families coping with such a tragic diagnosis.

We also have decided to donate all of the medical equipment that we have acquired over the past months to the Center for Simulation Excellence through Muskegon County Medical Control Authority. The Center was a project that Bruce assisted our daughter Connie in establishing in her time with Region 6 Healthcare Coalition. It was a very significant professional accomplishment for her, Bruce was proud to be a part of the Center's development. It was a special project that they shared professionally that strengthened their relationship. The equipment will be used to help train medical professionals across the healthcare spectrum in the greater west Michigan area. Dr.Jerry Evans, the Medical Director, shared his deep appreciation for the donation. It seemed very fitting.

We can't thank everyone enough for the outpouring of support throughout these last 8 months. We are very blessed to be surrounded by such wonderful family and friends. Each day is a bit easier than the day before. We look forward to seeing all of you on Monday for the memorial.  

The End - The Beatles - A song we sang to each other

Oh yeah, all right
Are you gonna be in my 
dreams tonight?

Love you, love you
Love you, love you
Love you, love you

And in the end, the love
you take
is equal to the love you make

Love Always,


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Memorial Information

Good Morning everyone, we have made the fianl arrangements for Bruce.
In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be directed to The Community Foundation For Muskegon County, 425 W. Western Ave., Muskegon, Mi., 49440. The "Rissi Glioblastoma" fund has been established to honor Bruce's life.

A memorial tribute will be held on Monday, July 23, 2012 at the Duck Lake Channel on Lake Mi. @ 8:00 P.M. Duck Lake Channel is located on Scenic Dr., 1/2 mile north of Duck Lake Rd. in Whitehall, Mi. If you have any questions as to directions please call me @ 231.740.2316 or any other questions you may have. Please dress in beach attire, this is a very informal service.

We are all taking comfort that Bruce does not have anymore pain and the anxiety of his imminent passing.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Until We Meet Again

As I'm sure most of you know our beloved Bruce has joined God in heaven on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. It is with great sadness that we have had to let him go, but his pain & suffering has now ended.
We are very Thankful that the most awful pain was a brief 48 hours however it felt like an eternity to us. His wonderful smile and his joy of life will be missed by all.
Val, Connie & Dan, Jake, Mitch, Madeline, Kenzie, Corbin & Nathan my heart aches so very much for you & no words can express our great sadness & hurt for you and all of Bruce's extended family.
We are all so blessed to have Bruce be a part of all of our lives and have many Wonderful memories. May God bless you Bruce & I cannot say goodbye, as we will see you & hear you in all of the fond memories and as Val said when we left your side"He is right here on my shoulder Di, I'll be alright" Amen Bruce, love you & may peace be with you until we meet again! Love,Di

On behalf of the family, we would like to Thank all of you for your continued support & help the past 8 months. All of you were the best! Thanks again to all.
We will be making final arrangements the beginning of the week and will post ASAP. We will also  have obituaries in the Grand Rapids Press & The Muskegon Chronicle.
Per Bruce's wishes he will be cremated and a memorial service to be announced.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

In The End

Bruce Philip Rissi returned to the Lord at 2:25 pm. May he rest peacefully without pain or suffering.

In the end, he is loved by all he touched!


Mom had a long night last night. Around 4:00 am, Bruce lost consciousness and has not been awake since. His breathing is very labored and he is now on oxygen for comfort. His lungs are filling with fluid.

I apologize for my very blunt post but I want to provide everyone exactly what is going on.

We don't anticipate it will be much longer. Our family is gathering at both the Poppen House as well as my Aunt Di's house today and are rotating our time with Bruce. Uncle Donn and Aunt Debbie were there when I arrived this morning. Mom needed some breakfast so Terry and I are with her eating now. We will be back up to his bedside after we eat.

Prayers please!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Visitor Guidance

Hi all-

Poppen house has asked that I instruct everyone on visiting Bruce. With a brain tumor, it's is very difficult to hear noises and conversation. They are asking that visitors sit quietly with him. We finished our visit with him eating a root beer float! He is asleep.

Love to All!

Dan, Connie and the kids!


Hi all-

Spoke with the doctor today. Bruce has some significant distention in his abdomen. The doctor is unsure of the cause, but thinks it possibly is a result of the medications he has been or possibly a bowel obstruction. Per Bruce's wishes, we will not be treating this recent development, rather ensuring that he is pain free for the limited time he is with us. They have placed him on methadone and morphine to ensure that he is comfortable at all times.

They have also updated his status to critical, meaning time is of the essence. We don't have much of it left.

Prayers for Bruce and our family as we continue to go through this experience. If you were planning to visit, please do so soon.

Our family can't thank each and everyone of you enough. We are holding up, it's a long goodbye at this point. Thanks again for all of your support. We will continue to update the blog as we get more information or as Bruce's status changes.


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dinner with the Bru-Man

Dan and I came up for dinner tonight. We are here almost everyday. It's very difficult to say a long goodbye. Each day that passes seems to be just a bit less than the day before. I find joy in being able to feed him his dinner and just sit peacefully in his room without disturbance. I was taken aback when I realized he wasn't feeding himself anymore. Yesterday he did great. It may just be a fleeting change, maybe he is just really tired.

It is becoming harder and harder to wake him up when he is asleep. His swelling is more significant, he very rarely leaves his hospital bed. He really isn't very mobile anymore either. He hasn't said a word today either. Lately he has shared a few words, but this evening is much different. I guess I am just a bit shocked at how different things are since my visit yesterday.

I can tell all of you that he seems very peaceful in his sleep and without pain that we are aware of. I guess that is something we should be very thankful for. We have had a lot of visitors over the course of the last week and a half, a steady stream to keep him company. That provides me some comfort.

My heart hurts for him and the situation we find ourself in. I do wish I could take it all away. I am very thankful for all that Bruce is to me! For all he is to my family.

I can tell you that I was not a fan upon first meeting him! Sharing my Mom was not an option:) being 6 years old and all, I wasn't willing to share my life with an ice cream stealing dog and strange man! Canuck- Bruce's yellow lab stole my ice cream cone the first time I went to his house. She became my best friend and Bruce became a great role model and mentor! I tell my girls often that blood means nothing, you surround yourself with people who love you. I was surrounded by wonderful people who loved me and Bruce holds a very special place in my heart. He is an incredible influence in my life, my kids lives and my new family's life. For that, I am eternally grateful and thankful! I miss him already and he is right here in the room.

Please come spend some time in the coming week! He always smiles at you when you walk in the room!


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

Hope everyone is enjoying the 4th today.  We will be.  We are bringing Bruce home for the day.  He has expressed that he wants to get to the end of the dock today and we will do our very best to achieve that.  I have the boys here to help me accomplish that.  POSSIBLY even take a boat ride on our neighbors' pontoon boat as well!!  Ended up bring the cat home because T.C. kept trying to escape and the staff had to put up 2 pet gates to keep him in, which resulted in too much noise for Bruce when he was trying to rest or sleep in his unit.  At least we tried :) Bruce is still adjusting to his surroundings at Poppen House but says he is happy there so that's a great thing!!

It's a hot one today and will do our utmost to make it a fabulous day for Bruce!!  Will post pics later for everyone to see.  - Val

Monday, July 2, 2012

Good Visit Today

Hi all- we visited Bruce this morning. He seems to be adjusting well. It is quiet and peaceful at the facility and he seems comfortable. We did bring in some pictures this morning, but the room could use some warm friendly smiles! TC seems to be enjoying all of his attention from visitors and staff. Last I knew Bruce was watching the tigers game.

Thanks to all that have sent notes and thoughts of encouragement. It's has been a trying couple of days for everyone.

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that we have a journal in Bruce's room if you would like to share your visit with the family or special memories.
Connie & the kid's visited earlier this morning and Val is with him now.
It seems that Bruce likes to be read to at this time. Val has left a book there if any of you wish to read a few pages to him. His eye sight has become blurry this past week or 10 days.
He is allowed to have baked goods or anything else brought in except alcohol products and they ask that no holes be made in the walls for pictures. If anyone has an updated photo of Val or Connie, could you please bring it in for Bruce to have there please? Jot your name on the back so we can get it returned to you. As a matter of fact, if you have any photo's you would like to share, I will pick up a cork board & tacks to display them, please jot your name on the back of it :) and I'll be sure to get them returned to you. Thanks, Di

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It is with great sadness that Bruce was transferred to the Harbor Hospice, Poppen Residence in Muskegon earlier this afternoon. The facilty is located at 2065 E. Mt. Garfield Rd., Muskegon, Mi., 49444. Mt Garfield Rd. runs along the south side of The Lakes Mall, approx. 1/2 mile down on the right. Visiting hours are open and he is in Rm. South 5.
As Val said in the post earlier this week, he is still up to visitor's and welcomes all. Although he may not talk much.
He was resting comfortably when I left, he stayed up late to watch the Tiger's last night! He also had to stop at the hospital for a chest x-ray on the way in and was exhausted when they got there.
T.C. is there with him, what a nice thing that they allow him to be there. Very nice facility tucked in the woods, there were 5 turkeys strutting by this afternoon :)
If you have any questions, please feel free to give Val or myself a call. Many Thanks to all of you that have helped out over the past 7 months, it was greatly appreciated! I am still working on getting Bruce a ride in a Fiero. May be able to do that next Friday. I have found a person from N. Muskegon who has offered to take him for a spin.
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and prayers, Diane